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Patient Information

The spine is a skeletal structure that runs from the base of the skull to the tailbone and acts as protection for the spinal cord. The spine is made up of flexible vertebrae and discs through which the spinal cord travels, carrying nerve messages to the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and organs of the body.

Sections of the Spine

  • Cervical

  • Thoracic

  • Lumbar

  • Sacral

Common Spine symptoms

  • Herniated Discs

    • A herniated disc occurs when the outer wall of the disc ruptures and the gel-like substance from inside the disc leaks out and compresses the spinal cord or nerve roots.

  • Spinal Stenosis

    • Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal that leads to compression of the spinal cord or nerve roots.

  • Spondylolisthesis

    • Spondylolisthesis is the slippage of one vertebra over another.

  • Spondylolysis

    • Spondylolysis is a fracture in the pars interarticularis, a small bony portion of a single vertebra that protects the nerve roots.

Patient Implant Cards

Lumbar Systems


Cervical Systems

Thoracolumosacral (Pedicle Screw Systems)


Patient Information Leaflets

Lumbar Systems


Cervical Systems

Thoracolumbosacral (Pedicle Screw Systems)